Hilarious British Farce Highlights Political Scandal
Note: This play was originally reviewed at Playhouse II, Grand Bend. It is now on stage at St. Jacobs Country Playhouse, August 15 to September 1.
Remember the good, old days when the whiff of a sex scandal would force a philandering politician to resign immediately? Nowadays, even a president can cheat and lie and get away with it! Well, the British farce, Out of Order, currently on stage in Playhouse II, Grand Bend, takes us back to the Margaret Thatcher era (1979-90), when a politician actually feared being caught in a sex scandal, but of course, that didn’t stop his hanky-panky.
Shenanigans, skullduggery and subterfuge fill the stage in Out of Order, as it lurches from one lie to the next. And all of it is laugh-out-loud funny. I can’t reveal much of the plot for fear of spoiling the story – and there is so much craziness going on, it wouldn’t make much sense any way. Richard Willey (AKA Dickie Willey) is a cabinet minister in Margaret Thatcher’s government. He is setting up a tryst with the beautiful young Jane in an upscale London hotel. But to his dismay, he is interrupted by finding a dead body in the hotel room. He calls his parliamentary assistant, George Pigden, to help him move the body, and things get out of hand. There’s a hotel manager, a room service waiter, Jane’s husband, Richard’s wife, a maid and a nurse adding to the chaos.
The 10 crazy characters are all played by expert comedy actors. Their British accents are perfect and their comedic timing is spot on. Not only do they deliver the funny lines flawlessly, but they have facial expressions and gestures to go with them. Their physical comedy is hilarious. I can’t single out any one performer; they are all uproarious!
Director Sara-Jeanne Hosie is to be commended for putting this excellent cast together and having them play off each other so well. Playwright Ray Cooney is the master of the British farce, and I think this must be one of his best.
There are few shows where you are literally laughing out loud again and again. This one is hilarious, and with a strong cast presenting a funny script, you can’t go wrong. See this if you want a good laugh.
Out of Order continues with eight shows a week until August 11 at Playhouse II in Grand Bend. Tickets are available by calling the Box Office: 519-238-6000 or Toll Free 1-855-372-9866, or check www.huroncountryplayhouse.com
Photo: Darren Keay, Jacob James, Andrew Scanlon and David Talbot in Out of Order.
Out of Order
By Ray Cooney
Directed by Sara-Jeanne Hosie
Performed by Lauren Bowler, Jacob James, Darren Keay, Amanda Leigh, Dan Payne, Glynis Ranney, Andrew Scanlon, Sarah Lynn Strange, David Talbot, Kristian Truelsen.
Produced by Drayton Entertainment
Playhouse II, Grand Bend
July 26 to August 11, 2018
Reviewed by Mary Alderson